[ 复数 retirements ]
retirement home 老人院 ; 养老院 ; 退休之家 ; 老人屋
Retirement allowance [劳经] 退职金 ; 退休金 ; 在职金 ; 养老金
early retirement [劳经] 提前退休 ; 提早退休 ; 内退 ; 及早退休
individual retirement account 个人退休金帐户 ; 个人退休账户 ; 个人退休账号 ; 人退休账户
asset retirement 资产报废
retirement fund [金融] 退休基金 ; 资产换置基金 ; 退还基金
retirement pension 退休金 ; 养老金 ; 退休养老金 ; 退休金来源考试大
Early Retirement Window 提前退休窗口 ; 退休窗口
retirement benefits 退休金 ; 退休福利金
N-VAR Retirement is the time when a worker retires. 退休
The proportion of the population who are over retirement age has grown tremendously in the past few years.
N-UNCOUNT A person's retirement is the period in their life after they have retired. 退休生活
"Growing Older" considered the needs of the elderly for financial support during retirement.