...较大保障• 可以续期到保单规定的可以续保年龄•可以在规定的年限之内选择转为有现金值的永久寿险 退休收入 ( Retirement Income )年金是退休储蓄的财务工具,旨在对退休生活提供财务保障,以保证退休后有足够的财力或拥有稳定的收入来源8。
Employee Retirement Income Security Act 雇员退休收入保护法案 ; 退休职工收入保障法 ; 保障法 ; 雇员退休收入保障法案
retirement income policy 退休收入保单 ; 退休收入保险
retirement income insurance 退休所得保险 ; 退休收入保险
The calculus of retirement income 退休收入计算方法
Retirement income funds 退休收入基金
Employer-Sponsored Retirement Income Plans 退休金计划 ; 理雇员个人储蓄
Supplemental Retirement Income Agreement 退休收入补助协议
Registered Retirement Income Fund 注册退休收入基金 ; 为注册退休收入计划
During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income.
So annuity schemes are a natural supplement for retirement income.
They can barely make ends meet because their retirement income has vanished with the stock market.
If someone's saving for their retirement you better have a lot more than that; $100,000 is only a few years of income even for low-income people.