Return Ticket 到阜阳六百里 ; 往返票 ; 往返机票 ; 来回票
Reservation on return ticket 往返机票的订单
Return ticket reservation 三个月内往返机票订单
weekly return ticket 一周的往返票
family return ticket 来回程家庭票
Single or return ticket 单程票还是往返票
a return ticket 往返票 ; 回程机票
I wonder if I can board the plane with this return ticket.
When Joseph found it was a winning lottery ticket, he decided to return it to the owner.
P. S. I got a refund on my return ticket and bought a much cheaper one that connects through Somalia, but I've been told it might take a bit longer so I might be arriving a few days late.
另外,我用回程机票的退款买了一张穿越索马里的便宜机票, 据说那会是一个漫长的旅途,所以我有可能晚几天回家。