return of cultural property
... return of cultural property 送回文化财产 emblem of cultural property 文物标记 Cultural Property Scheme 文化房产策划 ...
return of cultural property
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In his role as President of the Intergovernmental Committee for the promotion of the return of cultural property to its country of origin or its restitution in case of illegal export, his diplomacy and spirit of cooperation empowered him to overcome obstacles to the work of the Committee, and the high quality of his contributions have always been appreciated.
Per Article 7 (b) (ii) of the Convention, States Parties undertake, at the request of the State Party "of origin", to take appropriate steps to recover and return any such cultural property imported after the entry into force of this Convention in both States concerned, provided, however, that the requesting State shall pay just compensation to an innocent purchaser or to a person who has valid title to that property.
UNESCO: Illicit Traffic
The convention requires signatories to prevent the theft of cultural objects, but also to recover and return stolen cultural property.