... revenue from tax crime 税收犯罪 revenue from tax jurisdiction 税收管辖权 Enterprise revenue from tax cost 企业税收成本 ; 企业税收成本 ...
The objective terms include the differences of revenue from tax jurisdiction, tax rate, the cardinal number of tax, the methods of anti tax avoidance. The stimulating factorsinclude the inflation and the limit tax rate.
参考来源 - 国际税收筹划的法律调整·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The first was the Court of Exchequer, which emerged from the tax department of the Curia as the arena for the settlement of revenue disputes although this jurisdiction was widened by various methods.
The article utilizes comparative analysis method, elaborates the effect from the ec international tax revenue pattern and jurisdiction aspect.