reverse dot blot 点杂交 ; 反向斑点杂交 ; 点杂交技术 ; 反向点杂交
Reverse dot blot method 杂交法和反向点杂交 ; 反向点杂交 ; 法和反向点杂交
Reverse Dot Blot Hybridization 反向斑点杂交
reverse dot blot rdb 反向点杂交
Reverse dot blot membrane 反向杂交膜片
reverse dot blot hybridized 膜反向斑点杂交
Methods the gene mutations were diagnosed by the reverse dot blot (RDB).
Objective To develop a new HCV genotyping method using the reverse dot blot technique.
The 16S rRNA PCR-membrane reverse dot blot hybridization technique showed that the sensitivity was 92.49%, and the specificity was 100%.