(4)反求工程设计 反求工程设计(Reverse Engineering Design)是将已经存在实物转变为CAD 模型的一 种工程设计方法。这种方法能将实物的形状转变成数据文件,然后在计算机屏幕上再现。
The diagram in Figure 8 shows the revised gateway design after reverse engineering.
Conventional software engineering wisdom says that you should do as much design as possible early on in a project, because it is difficult to reverse key decisions later.
We couldn't, for example, have prevented the senior developer's divergence from the command gateway design, but reverse engineering helped us assess and integrate her changes with minimal effort.
例如,我们还不能防止高级开发人员在command gateway设计方面的分歧,但是逆向工程能够通过最少的工作帮助我们评估和集成她的变化。