Revert to Startup Layout 恢复初始界面 ; 还原为启动布局 ; 恢复启动界面
Revert to basis 还原为基本
Revert to Growth 机器人 ; 魔法机器人
revert to its original position 回复原来图则位置
revert to default tabs 恢复默认标签
revert to source 恢复到源 ; 还原到源 ; 恢复源
Revert to Original 恢复原状
Revert To Growth 2 魔法机器人
Otherwise, they revert to graphite or burn.
Thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness.
We also revert to old practices when we're under stress.