... RF Cable & Components 射频组件 RF cable assemblies 射频电缆组件 polythene coaxial RF cable 聚乙烯同轴射频电缆 ...
RF and Fiber cable assemblies 射频和光纤电缆组件
And some problems that should be noticed in the assembling process of RF cable assemblies, and the possible problem of inter conductor void-welding are also discussed.
On the basis of empirical formula, the improvement on the design method of the insulator for RF connectors is made, resulting in the VSWR of the cable assemblies reduced.
介绍了在传统高抗补偿间隙经验公式的基础上,通过对射频连接器中绝缘子设计方法的改进,降低了电缆组件的VS WR。