Key words : planar spiral inductor ; metal thickness ; series resistance ; Q value ; RF IC 在CMOS 射频集成电路( RFIC) 中,制作高 Q 值 的无源器件非常重要,尤其是平面螺旋电感是无源 器件中最难集成的元件.
... 成汉 Cheng Han 梁子成 Liang Zicheng 成电路 IC ; INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ; ASIC ; rf ic ...
RF IC Design Engineer 高级射频工程师
rf ic RFIntegratedCircuit 射频集成电路
RF IC Engineer 射频集成电路工程师
RF IC Design 射频积体电路设计 ; 无线电频与集成电路设计
cmos rf ic cmos射频集成电路
RF-IC card 射频IC卡
RF IC Design and Testing 射频集成电路设计与测试
以上来源于: WordNet
Bipolar analog IC (b a I c) occupies an important position in the RF IC, which is widely used in personal mobile communication.
双极模拟IC在广泛应用于个人移动通信的RF IC中占有重要地位。
The I/O module was also designed to provide high-level instruction set, which greatly simplified the I/O operation of RF IC cards.
Basing on the characteristics of contactless RF IC card, this paper then stresses to analyse and develop the system's hardware circuit.