Rhizopus Oryzae 米根霉 ; 根霉菌 ; 稻根霉菌 ; 根霉
Rhizopus oryzae Rh0295 米根霉Rh
Carbohydrase derived from Rhizopus oryzae 食品添加剂糖酶
Rhizopus oryzae F6 根霉菌F
immobilized rhizopus oryzae 固定化米根霉
Lactic acid production from sucrose and sugar cane bagasse by Rhizopus oryzae was studied.
The use of heavy CaCO 3 in the fermentation of L-lactic acid by Rhizopus oryzae has important significance in lowering the cost of production.
重质碳酸钙应用于米根霉L -乳酸发酵对于降低生产成本具有重要意义。