环丙酰亚胺4%GR(Carpropamid)水稻白叶枯病(RICE LEAF BLIGHT)症状:普通型:病斑沿叶缘坏死,呈倒"V"字型斑,病部有黄色菌脓溢出 急性型:病叶暗绿色,几天内青灰色或灰绿色
rice bacterial leaf blight [植保] 稻白叶枯病 ; 水稻白叶枯病 ; 白叶枯病 ; 第二节
bacterial rice leaf blight 水稻白叶枯病菌
bacteria of rice leaf blight 水稻白叶枯病菌
rice leaf pale blight 稻叶尖枯病
rice leaf bacterial blight 水稻白叶枯病
bacterial leaf blight of rice 稻白叶枯病 ; 水稻白叶枯病菌
Rice bacterial leaf blight resistance 稻白叶枯病抗性
The most common form of the gene makes rice plants more susceptible to bacterial leaf blight but also makes them produce more pollen.
Abstract : Rice bacterial leaf blight rises in epidemic trend in recent years, which is a threat to high and stable rice production.
摘要 水稻白叶枯病近年来在仙居县呈上升流行态势,对水稻高产稳产构成极大威胁。
The method can be used to engineer broad-spectrum resistance of rice to bacterial blight and enhanced resistance to bacterial leaf streak.