...:这种广告的素材形式是一段链接到广告主落地页的文字,在搜索广告中为主流形式,同时在展示广告中也被广泛采用。 富媒体广告(rich media ad):这类广告往往是利用视觉冲击力较强的表现形式,在不占用固定版面位置的情况下,向用户侵入式地投送广告素材。
Our Engagement Mapping approach conveys how each AD exposure - whether display, rich media or search, seen multiple times on multiple sites and across many channels - influenced an eventual purchase.
Greystripe has announced that they are collaborating with Adobe to provide rich media, interactive AD solutions across Android, iPhone, iPad and other mobile web platforms.
Utilize the IAB Universal Ad Standards and rich media to tell your story in a new way.
使用IAB 环球广告标准和丰富媒体可以用新方法讲你的故事。