Kennedy (甘迺迪), Richard Nixon (尼克逊), Robert McNamara 和 Fidel Castro (卡斯特罗) 在五角大楼开会期间遭到丧尸入侵..
The Ballad Of Richard Nixon 尼克松之歌
The Memoirs of Richard Nixon 尼克松回忆录
Richard Nixon Library 尼克松图书馆
Richard Nixon came to C 理查德·尼克松是 ; 理查德 ; 尼克松来了
Richard Nixon came to 尼克松来了 ; 理查德·尼克松是
The Menoirs of Richard Nixon 尼克松回忆录 ; 僧克紧回想录
Richard Milhous Nixon 尼克松 ; 尼克森 ; 理查德·米尔豪斯·尼克松 ; 理查德·尼克松
Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter 理查德尼克松和卡特
For Richard Nixon 对尼克松
同义词: Nixon Richard M. Nixon Richard Milhous Nixon President Nixon
以上来源于: WordNet
In 1972, the then USA President Richard Nixon made it a national holiday.
In the years that followed the historical visit, US president Richard Nixon made a landmark visit to China in 1972.
In 1970, President Richard Nixon set up a national commission to study the problems of workers' compensation.
It was Richard Nixon who brought home most of the troops before South Vietnam fell to the north in nineteen seventy-five.
VOA: special.2009.08.16
Arthur Burns, chairman of the Fed, There's a big inflation run up to Richard Nixon's reelection in 1972.
I remember, for example, during the Vietnam War when Richard Nixon spoke about achieving peace with honor, and this was largely mocked as a kind of ludicrous idea.