richard rogers partnership
作为到西班牙的门户,不是西班牙人设计,而是英国人罗杰斯(Richard Rogers Partnership)的设计,离开机场走远一看标准化的一字展开,很有韵律,在略有起伏的小丘陵地带,枯燥乏味的大地上又多了一溜养鸡棚,牲口卷之类...
richard rogers partnership
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
It has emerged that the adjudicator was concerned about the use of such a blunt accusation against the Richard Rogers Partnership.
BBC: Assembly recall urged over HQ row
The assembly administration had argued that the original estimates for the new chamber, made back in 1998, were too low and on this count the Richard Rogers Partnership was found guilty.
BBC: Assembly recall urged over HQ row