印刷行业基本词汇78 - 中文,纸张,透明度,测试... ... 中文:纸张不透明度opacity of paper 中文:纸张不均匀度ricing 中文:纸张表面的业糙度tooth ...
Ramsey p ricing 拉姆斯定价
ricing Strategies 价格战略
Cap italized P ricing 资本化定价
value p Network ricing 价值定价法
harvestinga ricing 收获定价法
road p ricing 拥堵定价理论
parking p ricing 停车收费
"rice the potatoes"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-MASS Rice consists of white or brown grains taken from a cereal plant. You cook rice and usually eat it with meat or vegetables. 米
...a meal consisting of chicken, rice, and vegetables.