[ 复数 rickettsias或rickettsiae或rickettsia ]
Rickettsia rickettsii 立氏立克次体 ; 氏立克次体 ; 立氏立克次氏体 ; 立克次体立氏
Rickettsia burneti 除伯氏立克次氏体 ; 其中伯氏立克次氏体 ; 伯氏
Rickettsia prowazeki 普氏立克次体 ; 由普氏立克次体 ; 普氏立克次氏体
Rickettsia mooseri 克次体 ; 氏立克次氏体 ; 病原为莫氏立克次体
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi 立克次体 ; 由恙虫病立克次体 ; 株恙虫病立克次体
Rickettsia prowazekii 普氏立克次体 ; 普氏立克次氏体
rickettsia typhi 斑疹伤寒立克次氏体 ; 立克次体 ; 伤寒立克次体 ; 热立克次氏体
Rickettsia sibirica 西伯利亚立克次体
Therefore, pathogen is any microbial agent capable of causinginfection or disease, however, the term pathogen is usually limited to livingmicroorganisms, which include fungi, bacteria, yeasts, rickettsia, certain insect larval stages,helminthes and viruses.
参考来源 - The Bloodborne Pathogens HIV/AIDS the Univariate and Bivariate Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Quality of Life·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N any of a group of parasitic bacteria that live in the tissues of ticks, mites, and other arthropods, and cause disease when transmitted to man and other animals 立克次氏体
Rickettsia is a bacterium which can cause many diseases that are transmitted by blood-sucking parasitic arthropods.
It is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and spread by ticks of the genus Dermacentor.
Rickettsia - like organism was an important pathogen which caused the fish disease.