...com 关键词:土地信托;土地流转;土地使用权;农村体制 [gap=586]Key words: Land Trust; Land Transfer; Right of Land Use; Rural Financial Syste ...
Permanent right of land use 农地永久使用权
administrative allotment of land-use right 土地使用权划拨
mortgage of land-use right 土地使用权抵押
Right of agricultural land use 农地使用权
Certificate of Land Use Right 土地使用证
lease of land-use right 土地使用权出租
allocation of land use right 土地使用权划拨
investment of land-use right 土地使用权出资
Right of land use, as one of usufructs, has economic value.
However, at present, in law field, its research is very weak, especially on mortgage system of right of land use.
Article 41 a written contract must be signed in real estate transfer, and the contract shall carry the clause on the form of obtaining the right of land use.