multi-rigid-body system [力] 多刚体系统
multi-rigid-body system dynamics 多刚体动力学
coupled rigid-flexible multi-body system 刚柔耦合系统
multi-rigid-body y system 多刚体系统
planar multi rigid body system 平面多刚体系统
multi-rigid body system dynamics 多刚体系统动力学
multi rigid body system dynamics 多刚体系统动力学
multi rigid body dynamics system 多刚体动力学系统
According to the extreme lunar terrain environment, the dynamic analysis is carried out on a lunar rover as a rigid multi-body system by using the rigid-body modeling method.
This paper deals with the driving process of chain sprocket system with the multi rigid body dynamics method.
The dynamic simulation model based on the multi-rigid-body theory of the passenger restraint system for side impact of a car is created, and its validity is verified by tests.