Apple Ring Rot 苹果轮纹病
ring rot 环状腐朽 ; 轮纹病 ; [植保] 环腐病
Pear Ring Rot 梨轮纹病
potato bacterial ring rot 马铃薯环腐病
ring rot of the potato 马铃薯轮腐病菌
ring rot of apple 苹果轮纹病
Ring rot disease 轮纹病
ring-rot 轮纹病
bacterial ring rot o potato 马铃薯环腐病
Our result further demonstrated the character of latent infection in apple ring rot disease.
The results showed that the occurrence of ring rot disease was 92% in lenticels and 8% not in lenticel.
With salicylic acid (sa) as the induced factor, the fruit of Red Fuji apple as the experimental material, the paper studied the resistance induced by sa to apple ring rot.