... Rip off / Rip-off 敲竹杠 Risk life and limb 冒着生命危险 Roll with the punches 逆来顺受;大事化小 ...
NO way! I'm not gonna risk life and limb driving in L. A.
Notorious loungers, they'll lie in the shade, often ignoring their cubs, while the females risk life and limb on the hunt.
So, it turns out that you don't have to risk life and limb, save lives or suffer from stress-induced stomach ulcers to make a decent salary.
所以,看来你不仅不需要押上性命就可以有高工资,而只要你好好活着,努力干活,就可以了。 虽然有时还是会出现由于压力大而引起胃溃疡的情况,但相比来说,应该还是可以接受的。