):由于淡水或雨水使货物遭受的损失。水渍险和平安险只负责海水造成的损失。3.短量险(Risk of shortage):由于外包装破裂造成货物数量短少或散装货物重量短缺造成的损失。4.
Risk of Shortage in Weight 短量险 ; 短重险
risk of shortage in quantity 短量险
risk of shortage cingestedgory 短量险
Risk of spares shortage 备件风险率
Risk of diseases and shortage of drugs.
We also considered a comprehensive July 2010 report from the Natural Resources Defense Council, which mapped areas at high risk of water shortage conflict.
The NRDC study rates Pima County, Ariz., where Tuscon is located, as an area with extreme risk of water shortage.
英国国家科学研究开发公司(NRDC)的一份研究将图森所在的亚利桑那州 Pima (皮马)县列为水资源极端危险地区。