...风险残余; RAROC中图分类号: F832. 211引言银行管理领域发生的最为显著的变化是, 其管理重点逐渐过渡到... [gap=12998]Key words: economic capital; capital multiplier; q-quantile VaR; risk residual ; RAROC作者简介: 彭建刚(1955 -) , 男, 湖南长沙人, 经济学博士, 湖南大学研究院副院长、 湖南大学金融管理研究中心主任...
Residual risk 剩余风险 ; 余值风险 ; 残余风险 ; 遗留风险
residual value risk 残值风险 ; 价值风险
Residual Cardiovascular Risk 残余心血管风险
residual l risk 余值风险
Residual Business Risk 剩余经营风险
residual risk of cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病残余风险
residual vascular risk 血管风险剩留
The MoD launched Project Cleansweep in 2007 to provide "reassurance" that residual contamination at UK sites did not pose a risk to human health or the environment.
If the costs are too high, you may end up with a residual risk for the online collaboration project.
However, if there are too many residual risks and too few cost-effective countermeasures, you should repeat the steps of risk assessment for several reasons.