river novel 长篇小说
Long River Novel 大河小说
mighty river novel 大河小说
novella or river novel 中长篇小说
river novel in new age 新世纪长篇小说
Wang Qiyao is the heroine of river novel the Everlasting Regret by Wang Anyi.
参考来源 - 王安忆《长恨歌》中王琦瑶形象分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It sold 400, 000 copies. Last year, his novel “Cry Me a River, ” about the ostracism and suicide of a pregnant high school student, sold a million copies in 10 days.
Nine years ago when, in a large city, I decided to write a novel, I first of all thought of the Lanxi river and the people whose livelihoods depend on the river.
“The World Is What It Is” (the severe opening words of “A Bend in the River”) is fully worthy of its subject, with all the dramatic pacing, the insight and the pathos of a first-rate novel.
这本《如此人 世间》(The World Is What It Is:取自奈保尔小说《河湾》严厉的开场白),完全是典型的奈保尔风格,紧张戏剧性的节奏,一流小说的深刻洞察和感伤悲悯。