The looming problems associated with such an arrangement (for example, Soviet diversion of desperately needed hard currency from reforming East European states to its own coffers) underscore the wisdom of Senators Robert Kasten (R-WI) and Robert Dole (R-KS) and presumably of organized labor who believe that another method to assist economic revitalization in Eastern Europe should be pursued, i.e.
Unfortunately, despite these well-founded concerns, the United States agreed with its allies on Monday in Paris to join 41 other nations, including the Soviet Union, in the creation of the EBRD on very different terms than those called for by the AFL-CIO, the Center for Security Policy and leading members of Congress, such as Senator Robert Kasten (R-WI).
The firm has been refining the Dash Express since May 2007 and plans to make a big push at CES. Robert Acker, Dash's senior vice president of marketing, says location-based services and wi-fi are a natural pairing.