Rock Crystal Quartz 白水晶 ; 英文 ; 水晶 ; 色水晶
lens of rock crystal 水晶体透镜
Rock-crystal 水晶粉 ; 天然的透明石英石
rock crystal deposit 水晶矿床
Rock Crystal Qua 水晶石英
Crystal Rock Cod 油泡石斑球
Golden Rutile Rock Crystal 耀眼金色金红石
rock crystal and others 水晶及其他宝石
同义词: transparent quartz
以上来源于: WordNet
N a pure transparent colourless quartz, used in electronic and optical equipment. Formula: SiO2 无色水晶
They wanted to sell us little pieces of rock crystal.
The best rock crystal has the clarity and shimmer of water.
Rock crystal has often been used in jewelry, particularly carved pieces.
They wanted to sell us little pieces of rock crystal.