...锚杆 ; 检测 中图分类号 : TD 355 + 19 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1004 - 2660 (2004) 02 - 0012 - 06 [gap=672]Key words : Drawing force ; rockbolt ; detection coefficient , how mach of test and detection to be needed , when to ..
local rockbolt 局部锚杆
perfo-rockbolt 多孔岩栓
split rockbolt 缝管式锚杆
rockbolt element 锚杆单元
grouted rockbolt 砂浆锚杆
reinforced shotcrete rockbolt concrete 配筋锚喷混凝土
bamboo rockbolt 竹锚杆
metal rockbolt 金属锚杆
The existence of rockbolt increased the confining pressure for the sidewall of underground opens.
Carry out a certificate, adopt the advance rockbolt shoring to be able to accelerate driving speed, ensure safety...
The rockbolt supported technique is an overall skill. It plays a more and more important role in engineering of geotechnical.