rolling mill 轧机 ; 轧板机 ; [机] 轧钢机 ; [机] 轧钢厂
rolling-mill housing 轧机机架 ; 压路机机架
Cold-Strip Steel Rolling Mill 带钢冷轧机 ; 冷轧带钢机
hand rolling mill 金属压展机
ball rolling mill [机] 钢球轧机
tube rolling mill 管材轧机 ; 轧管机 ; 钢管轧机 ; 多根管材冷拉拔机
Sheet Steel Rolling Mill 薄钢板压延机
skin rolling mill 表面光轧机 ; 外貌光轧机
rubber rolling mill 辗胶机 ; 橡胶压延机
And next year it hopes to complete the construction of a cold-rolling mill near Vietnam's ho Chi Minh City, and an automotive steel-sheet plant in Mexico to supply General Motors and Hyundai Motor.
It is the very heart of the plant - heat rolling mill.
It is a rolling mill and our input material is billet. We mainly purchase billet supplies from Ukraine and Russia, and also from Turkey.