Root-knot nematodes 根结线虫
plant root knot nematodes 植物根结线虫病
plant root-knot nematodes 植物根结线虫病
tobacco root-knot nematodes 烟草根结线虫
cereal root-knot nematodes 禾谷根结线虫病
vegetable root-knot nematodes 蔬菜根结线虫
root-knot nematodes resistance 抗根结线虫
root knot nematodes of citrus 柑桔根结线虫病
The samples of root-knot nematodes were collected from Mengzi megranate garden, Mengzi County and Huize megranate garden, Huize County in Yunnan Province.
The root-knot nematodes infecting tomato in Hefei district were south root-knot nematodes.
The direct reason why the root-knot nematodes endanger autumnal celery is that Apium graveolens belongs to the host plant of M. lucknowica.