2 回复: C0 M75 Y35 K10 RGB:C0 M30 Y25 K0 RGB: R220 G91 B111玫瑰粉Rose-pink(女人味)CMYK、洋红Magenta(热情)CMYK: R225 G152 B192珊瑚粉Coral-pink(温顺)CMYK: C0 M40 Y20 K10 RGB: R200 G8 B..
Rose pink 尖晶石红 ; 玫瑰粉红
Rose pink color 玫瑰红
Rose Pink with Eye 玫瑰粉红白芯
Rose Pink Shade 渐变玫瑰粉色
Pink Rose 粉红玫瑰 ; 玫瑰红 ; 粉玫瑰
rose - Pink 玫瑰色的
Peach Pink & Rose Pink 立体小颜胭脂
Pure Rose Pink 纯粉色
warm rose pink 暖调玫瑰粉
同义词: marsh pink bitter floom American centaury Sabbatia stellaris Sabbatia Angularis
以上来源于: WordNet
Rich red-violet shimmer with a paler shimmer that subtly changes from silvery green to vibrant rose-pink, depending on the light.
'our skills were very low, but our goals were very high,' says Ms. Li, punctuating the air with her hands, her fingernails decorated with pink rose decals.
And a delicate flush of pink came into the leaves of the rose, like the flush in the face of the bridegroom when he kisses the lips of the bride.