modified rosin sizing agent 改性松香施胶剂
modified d rosin sizing agent 改性松香施胶剂
reactive cationic rosin sizing agent 反应型阳离子松香胶
cationic dispersed rosin sizing agent 阳离子型松香施胶剂
rosin based sizing agent 松香类施胶剂
cationic rosin neutral sizing agent 阳离子松香中性施胶剂
cationic rosin-based neutral sizing agent 阳离子松香中性施胶剂
The preparation of reactive cationic rosin sizing agent and its sizing mechanism were discussed in this paper.
Cationic dispersed rosin sizing agent (CDRS) was prepared by changing ionic characteristics and its properties were characterized. The cationic agent used was modified from a non-ionic polymer.
Modification of rosin, preparation and selection of rosin emulsifier and rosin precipitating agent were introduced in this paper, so that the rosin sizing agent can be used under neutral condition.