... 凸版印刷采用三种型式的印刷机:(1)平压印刷机(Platenpress),圆压印刷机(Cylinder press)和轮转印刷机(Rotary press)。说明这三种型式印刷机械结构的差别。
Air pollution and water pollution are very serious » 空气污染和水质污染是非常严重的的 rotary press » 扶轮社新闻 Everyone shouid be strice for his work » 每个人都受热会下属进行严格的工作 ..
high speed rotary press 高速轮转机 ; 高速轮转印刷机
single bed rotary press 单托床回转压呢机
double bed rotary press 双座式滚筒压呢机
newspaper rotary press 轮转印报机
reel-fed rotary press 卷筒纸印刷机
fed offset rotary press 卷筒纸胶印轮转机
sheet-fed offset rotary press 单张纸轮转胶印机
multi-unit newspaper rotary press 多机组新闻轮转印刷机
rotary press ink 轮转凸版印墨
N a machine for printing from a revolving cylinder, or a plate attached to one, usually onto a continuous strip of paper 轮转印刷机
Printed material produced by an intaglio printing process in a rotary press.
The Company is now added a new six-color rotary press and screen printing machine.
Flat-bed press: a press with the printing surface secured horizontally flat rather than curved as on a rotary press.