[ 第三人称单数 roughhouses 现在分词 roughhousing 过去式 roughhoused 过去分词 roughhoused ]
... 沉默对待 silent treatment 粗暴对待 manhandle; maul; pull about; rough handing; rough up; roughhouse 粗暴对待, 殴打 rough up ...
Metal roughhouse 钢铁狂暴 ; 钢铁狞恶
Can not roughhouse 不能打闹
You can not roughhouse 你不可以打闹
Students often joke and roughhouse 常和同学们开玩笑打闹
N rough, disorderly, or noisy behaviour 粗鲁喧闹等行为
V to treat (someone) in a boisterous or rough way 以粗鲁喧闹方式对待(某人)