... 轮转调度(Round Robin Scheduling) 加权轮转调度(Weighted Round Robin Scheduling) 最少连接调度(Least Connection Scheduling) ...
Round-Robin Scheduling 轮叫调度 ; 轮转调度 ; 循环调度 ; 轮询调度算法
Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling 加权轮叫调度 ; 调度算法 ; 带权重的大锅饭调度 ; 加权轮询调度
Round-Robin Scheduling RR 大锅饭调度
Weighted Round-Robin Scheduling WRR 带权重的大锅饭调度
weight round robin scheduling 加权轮循调度
limited round-robin scheduling 有限轮转法调度
Weighted Round Robin Scheduling 加权轮转调度
Weighted Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm 加权循环调度算法
Dynamic weighted Round-Robin Scheduling Strategies 动态加权轮询调度策略
For example, round robin scheduling might be assumed in the application itself.
The weights specified are superfluous when using normal round robin scheduling (as the default weight is always 1).
On the basis of that, a round robin scheduling method among two or more tasks having the same priority is given.