...因的幼苗 植物细胞与重组基因 重组基因在细菌中 细菌共同培养 培养扩增细菌 基因重组 17 2、抗除草剂作物(Roundup Ready crops),或抗特制除草剂作物 除草剂是用来根除杂草的。但如果它们能 有效除去杂草,则也能除去作物。
Similar Roundup Ready crops have led to increased use of herbicides, proliferation of herbicide resistant weeds, and contamination of conventional and organic crops.
The Roundup Ready system has helped farmers grow more corn, soybeans, cotton and other crops while reducing detrimental soil tillage practices, killing weeds easily and cheaply.
The Roundup Ready opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops. And they say the crops can cause the growth of weeds that resist Roundup.