The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra(皇家爱乐乐团)是英国国字号乐团,有多牛逼我就不说了。该专辑收录了他们在1999年伦敦的表演。
指挥/钢琴:弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳吉 VLADIMIR ASHKENAZY piano&conductor 英车皇家乐乐团 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 1990年6月22日现场录制于伦敦汉普顿皇宫 Recorded live at Hampton Court Palace,London,22 June 1990 ..
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 皇家爱乐管弦乐团 ; 皇家爱乐乐团 ; 英国皇家管弦乐团 ; 英国皇家爱乐乐团
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London 伦敦皇家交响乐团
the British Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 英国皇家爱乐乐团
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic orchestra 皇家墨尔本爱乐乐团
Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra 皇家爱乐管弦乐团 ; 请到皇家爱乐管弦乐团助阵
Royal London Philharmonic Orchestra 皇家伦敦爱乐乐团
Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra 爱乐管弦乐团
The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 皇家利物浦爱乐乐团
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 表演团体皇家利物浦爱乐乐团
Throughout the album, for example, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra accompanies the girls.
"Our album sound is very different from our live sound," says Haylie. "our sound is always very big, but this album was really exciting because we did it with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra."
Thee one-night concert was titled "East Meets West - Three Stars in Collaboration. " The trio presented solo and collaborative performances accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus.