许多段程式,写这些程式目是用来成批执行(run in batch mode),以验证我们所写Classes(类别)。每一个Unit Test都负责送一个Message给一个特定Class,并且验证所传来值是该Test所预期 网页制作...
SQC can also run in batch mode to check multiple XML schemas in a single run.
The Ant task can be run in a batch mode from a command line, which produces a list of changes and saves them to a file.
The shell can be invoked to run in either interactive mode (in which case you can enter expressions to be evaluated or blocks of code to be executed) or batch mode.
可以调用这个 shell,以交互模式(在这种模式中,可以输入要计算的表达式或要执行的代码)或批处理模式运行它。