...en que asignaturas suele sacar mejores el cuerso pasado » 在这课题往往可以获得更佳的cuerso过去 run unzip » 运行解压 Whit this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty water carried the virus.
Unzip And Run 解压缩并运行
To run the application, download and unzip the included file, then run this command.
Unzip the file (or run tar -xvzf lucene-2.2.0.tar.gz).
解压缩文件(或运行 tar -xvzf lucene-2.2.0.tar.gz)。
To deploy the sample application, follow the two steps in the "deploy and run the application" section of Part 1. You also need to download and unzip jsf-1_1_01.zip.