... 反对 against 卡片比红包更有价值 Card is worth more than a red envelope 三言两语 S in a few words ...
s in a few words
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Frost as a narrator, in these great poems I'm describing, frames his people's words minimally, with few bits of narrative information.
耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选
It's always advisable to try to learn a few words and phrases before you visit far-flung lands, but in China it's almost essential.
CNN: 5 top tips for China first-timers
In other words, it's something to turn on to divert your infant for a few moments, but it is not intended as a replacement child-minder.
BBC: When are we going to learn to trust robots?
I'm really interested in learning the language and it's good to see articles now being written in Manx in the local newspapers - not that I can understand more than a few words.
BBC: Manx: Bringing a language back from the dead