0] 分享到 发表评论(0) 编辑词条 安全泊位(safe berth)是指《1992年航次租船合同解释规则》第4条指出:“在相关期间内,在没有例外的情况下,船舶能接近、进入、停留和离开而不遭受良好...
SB One safe Berth 一个安全泊位
Safe Berth Clause 安全泊位条款
SBP safe berth port 安全 ; 安全泊位
SBA safe berth anchor 安全锚地区性
SB Safe berth 安全泊位
guaranteed safe berth 保证安全停泊
The Statue of Liberty is seen in the background as the damaged Swedish-American luxury liner Stockholm heads slowly through New York Harbor for a safe berth July 27, 1956.
1956年7月27日,损毁的瑞士-美国豪华班轮斯德哥尔摩号缓缓驶过纽约港,前往它的安全泊位。 自由女神像在残骸背后若隐若现。
The Buyer to provide one good and safe berth for discharging, which is available on vessels arrival, always accessible, where the vessel can safely berth alongside and lie always afloat.
Buyer guarantees to provide one safe berth at the Discharging Port upon vessel arrival to accommodate a vessel with Beam and LOA as per permissible limits for draft at least of each shipment quantity.