safe harbor privacy principles
Adobe Systems Incorporated 会要求这些代理商和服务提供者须同意遵守「安全港隐私保护原则(Safe Harbor Privacy Principles),并遵守「欧盟隐私保护指令(EU Privacy Directive) 及其他适当法令,或是须签订书面合约,规定其必须提供至少与相关安全港原则.
safe harbor privacy principles
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
DHI has certified that it adheres to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles of notice, choice, onward transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement.
As a result, perhaps as soon as later this month, but more probably in September, Commissioner Bolkestein will propose that the full Commission formally recognize the U.S. safe harbor principles as representing adequate data privacy standards, the official said.
CNN: EU rejects U.S. data privacy protection as inadequate
Earlier this year, the Commission reached an agreement with the U.S. that a system based on safe harbor principles did represent adequate levels of data privacy, after the U.S. administration agreed to reinforce consumer access rights and set up dispute settlement procedures for consumers.
CNN: EU rejects U.S. data privacy protection as inadequate