...名中文学校名称英文学校名称国家 (Country)加权薪资 (美元) Weighted salary (US$)薪资增长 百分比 (Salary percentage increase) 毕业3个月后就业率 (Employed at three months)(FT研究排名 (FT research rank) 1111宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院University of Pe...
Salary Percentage Increase 薪资增长百分比 ; 百分比 ; 薪资增长 expressed as percentage increase 百分率表示 .
Salary percentage increase (20) the percentage increase in average alumni salary from before the EMBA to today as a percentage of the pre-EMBA salary.
This time, you pass the IncreaseSalaryMapAgent, which has been initialised with the percentage increase to execute on the salary data in the grid.
这一次传递的是 IncreaseSalaryMapAgent,已使用要向网格中的工资数据执行的百分比增长对其进行了初始化。
You also need to pass a parameter to this agent to determine what percentage increase to apply to a given employee's salary.