销货折让(Sales Allowances):销货货款尾数的折让,属于「销货收入的抵销 科目。 销货折扣(Sales Discounts):给予客户提早付款的现金折扣,属于「销 货收...
sales returns and allowances 销货退回与折让 ; 销货退回及折让 ; 销货退回与让价 ; 销售退回与折让
sales discounts and allowances 销货折让
Sales Returns & Allowances 销售及利润 ; 销售退回及折让
sales returns d allowances 销货退回和折让
sales returns and allowances journal 销售退回及折让日记账 ; 退化及销货折让日记帐
sales rebates and allowances 销货回扣与让价
haha sales returns and allowances 销货退回与折让
sales s allowances 销货折让
Sales returns and allowances amounted to $25,000.
A debit balance account which is offset against revenue in the revenue section of the income Statement. Examples include sales Discounts and sales returns and Allowances.
F. Net sales of the year: the amount computed based upon the sale price of product or commodity in a tax year (net of sales return and sales discount and allowances).