...s 工作地点上海 Technical Service &Sales Representative-UV Coatings UV涂料部 Sales Technical Representative 销售技术代表 ..
Technical Sales Representative 技术销售代表
Equipment Technical Sales Representative 焊机设备技术销售代表
Technical Sales Representative-TPU 技术销售代表
Technical Sales Representative- LPM 低压注塑业务
Technical & Sales Service Representative 销售与技术服务代表
Technical Sales Representative- Construction 化学建材业务
Technical Sales Representative-East China 华东区技
He has been a developer at Rational, sales technical representative, and is the principal designer and author of the IBM Rational DoDAF plugin.
他曾经从事过Rational开发人员,技术销售代表,IBM Rational DoDAF插件的设计师和作者。
We are currently looking for a technical sales representative.
'Currently, we don't think we have that kind of capability or technical knowledge of doing a patent,' says Jessica Yu, Huahai's regional representative for North American and Japanese drug sales.
华海药业负责北美和日本市场销售的区域代表Jessica Yu说,目前,我们认为还不具备从事专利药研究的能力或技术知识。