salt plant 精制盐厂 ; 盐土植物 ; 盐厂
halophyte or salt plant 可称之为盐生植物
anti-salt plant 植物抗盐
anti-salt plant material 植物抗盐剂
xinjiang lithium salt plant 新疆锂盐厂
salt marsh plant 盐沼植物
plant salt-tolerance 植物耐盐性
Salt Refinery Plant 提炼盐设备
plant salt resistance 植物抗盐性的
double salt water distilling plant 两级串联造水装置
They allow a certain amount of salt to enter their cells, bringing the salt content of the water within the plant, to a slightly higher concentration than that of the surrounding seawater.
Instead of freshwater moving out of the plant cells, salt from the seawater enters, reverse osmosis, and this actually strengthens the cells.
When water moves through the wall of a plant cell, it will move from the side containing water with the lowest amount of salt into the side containing the highest amount of salt.