saltatory movement 跳跃运动
saltatory replication [生物] 跳跃复制
saltatory appendage [昆] 弹器
saltatory variation 突然变异
saltatory y conduction 跳跃式传导
saltatory tic 跳跃性抽搐
Saltatory strategy 跨越式战略
saltatory chorea 跳跃性舞蹈症 ; 跳跃性舞蹈病
saltatory spasm 痉跳痉挛
ADJ specialized for or characterized by jumping 跳跃的; 突变的 [biology]
the saltatorial legs of a grasshopper
Conclusion The feature of mediastinal lymph node metastases in lung cancer may be saltatory and multiple.
The third variation type is called saltatory variation type, which is formed from the liquid segregation mainly with immiscibility.
The method has solved the difficulty of the saltatory stress and the strain on the rotation symmetry face of cymbal transducer for bringing the design.