...指标间灰色关联系白化关联度,以此为澄析其间真正关系之依据,并按灰色关联度高低排序之相似与否,归纳出实属同型(The Same Type)之初拟绩效指标群,然后再配合具代表性指标选取原则,自每群同型指标里各选其一具代表性之绩效指标。
Same Type Only 仅相同类型
Same Type Surface 相同类型曲面
The same type of 同一类
of the same type 方〉∶种类和样式全部一样的 ; 很相似
ingots of the same type 同种类的铁锭
same-type 规约
same type unit 同类型机组
Research books by the authors you've enjoyed, and you can get more of the same type of books.
Karen knew both of her kids have the same type of blood.
The hospital also couldn't find the same type of blood for the girl.
We can think of it in the same type of way when we're talking about actual reactions happening.
Well, I think that's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide and totalitarianism.
The other thing I want to let you know is that instead of having a new problem-set that you'll be assigned this Friday, what we'll do instead is we'll give you some practice problems, and these will be just more of the same type of problems that you saw before but that's another chance to try them out more.