[ 复数 samples 第三人称单数 samples 现在分词 sampling 过去式 sampled 过去分词 sampled ]
...钩(J hook):包装(packing):吊牌(brand label):QC(quality control):腈纶(acrylic):针织(knitted):样品(sample):样品室(sampling room):司机手套(driving gloves):并指手套(mittens):外缝(outseam):内缝(inseam):仓库(wareh...
... 统计研究最终是要确定总体的数量特征,但是有时总体的单位数很多,甚至无限,不可能或无必要对每个总体单位都做调查。这时,就要借助样本来研究总体了。所谓样本(Sample)就是按照一定的概率从总体中抽取并作为总体代表的一部分总体单位的集合体。也有学者称总体为母体,样本为子样。
sample space [数] 样本空间 ; 试样空间 ; 取样空间 ; 样品空间
Sample size 样本量 ; 样本大小 ; 样本含量 ; 样本容量
counter sample [贸易] 对等样品 ; [贸易] 对等货样 ; 回样
Sample rate [数] 抽样率 ; 采样频率 ; 采样速率
pattern sample [贸易] 型式样品 ; 款式样 ; 款式样品 ; 模型样品
random sample [数] [数] 随机样本 ; [天] 随机样品 ; 随机抽样 ; 随机试样
sample order 样品订单 ; 指样订货 ; 样品定单
duplicate sample [贸易] 复样 ; [矿业] 副样 ; 复样品 ; 备份样品
original sample 原样 ; 原办 ; 最新样品
N-COUNT A sample of a substance or product is a small quantity of it that shows you what it is like. 样品; 样本
You'll receive samples of paint, curtains and upholstery.
We're giving away 2,000 free samples.
N-COUNT A sample of a substance is a small amount of it that is examined and analysed scientifically. (用于检验、分析的) 试样
They took samples of my blood.
N-COUNT A sample of people or things is a number of them chosen out of a larger group and then used in tests or used to provide information about the whole group. 抽样
We based our analysis on a random sample of more than 200 males.
V-T If you sample food or drink, you taste a small amount of it in order to find out if you like it. 品尝
We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.
V-T If you sample a place or situation, you experience it for a short time in order to find out about it. 体验
...the chance to sample a different way of life.