sampling statistics 样本统计量 ; 抽样统计 ; 又称抽样统计 ; 样本计数量
resource sampling statistics 资源抽样统计
Edge Sampling Statistics Based descriptors 基于边缘抽样统计的描述子
The population sampling survey, conducted by Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau, reveals a rapid rise in the size of the unmarried population, especially women.
The third command samples 15% of all rows, does not collect distribution statistics, and also applies sampling to indexes which the first and second commands didn't.
第三个命令抽取 15% 的行,但是不收集分布统计信息,并对索引也应用了抽样,这不同于第一个命令和第二个命令。
But, row level sampling may produce more accurate statistics if relational data values are highly clustered.