san francisco peace treaty
...历史渊源第二次世界大战结束以来,东亚地区秩序的塑造缘于1951年同盟国与日本所签订的《旧金山和约》(San Francisco Peace Treaty),作为双边安全协议的回报,美国的东亚盟国在《旧金山和约》的体系下被允许进入美国市场,正是旧金山体系导致东亚缺乏正式的区域经济...
1951年9月8日所签订之「 旧金山和平条约 ( San Francisco Peace Treaty ) Article 2(b):
san francisco peace treaty
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
San Francisco Treaty of Peace with Japan was one of the important steps by the US to construct the line of defense along the coast of the west-Pacific Ocean and to carry out the strategy of Cold War.
The response of both the government and the companies to all such claims has been to point to the 1951 San Francisco peace treaty.
ECONOMIST: Paying for war slaves
It was during last year's election campaign that Mr Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) proposed the event to mark the day in 1952 when the San Francisco Peace Treaty took effect, formally ending WWII and the allied occupation.
BBC: Japan marks 'return of sovereignty' day
In 1951, a peace treaty with Japan was signed by 48 other nations in San Francisco.
CNN: Sunday,